绿环系统 | Green Loop | Present Architecture

纽约建筑事务所Present Architecture近日构想了一个绿环系统,主要针对纽约因过多垃圾形成的污染现象。城市中的垃圾处理的确 是个头痛的问题,导演王久良拍摄的垃圾围城就让人触目惊心。位于阴暗处的现实也是现实,而且这些现实时刻影响你我的生活。

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纽约每年都会产生一千四百万吨垃圾,而这些垃圾需要花费超过3亿美元运输到远离城市之外的填埋区进行填埋,同时这些奔驰数百 英里的大卡车们排放了无数的温室气体和污染物,并影响了城市的交通。垃圾本来就不干净,引发的系列问题更是肮脏。作为一个年轻的建 筑事务所,Present Architecture希望建立一个更健康的城市,利用垃圾堆肥这种有机垃圾实现清洁能源战略,为此,他们提出了“绿环” —–集堆肥中心与公园为一身的构筑物。绿环将建立在纽约的海滨,多个绿环可联系成为一个独特的海滨绿色网络。每个绿环都达到能容纳社 区的公园和教育设施,并能够实现冬季越野滑雪的尺寸。这个构想对人均绿地一直很少的纽约市民来讲,可谓是一石二鸟。


New York City produces over 14 Million tons of trash every year with most of it trucked long-haul to out-of-state
landfills. In a typical year,
we spend more than $300 million dollars on trash transport while incurring a hefty environmental bill along the way.
We send trucks
millions of miles every year, creating traffic, noise pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. All of this so that
our waste can be landfilled,
where it then rots and creates even more greenhouse gas. It’s a big, dirty problem. As a young architecture
practice, we at PRESENT
Architecture want to create a healthier future for our cities. While the best solution to our waste problem is
reduction, composting is a
clean and achievable strategy for dealing with organic waste.

The Green Loop is a composting hub and park, and part of a larger proposal for a network of ten waterfront
composting hubs in New
York City. The Green Loop has a street-level composting facility with an elevated public park on top that’s large
enough to
accommodate anything from educational facilities and neighborhood gardens to cross- country skiing in the winter.
New York City has
less open space per person than almost every major city in the country, and the Green Loop alleviates two major
urban problems at once.

这个针对纽约漫长520英里海滨线的构想,有三个规划层次:首先是就近利用全纽约市的交通基础设施优势:卡车,驳船,铁路都能 运输;其次每个行政区负责自己本辖区的堆肥垃圾,而不是全市统一调配;最后,纽约需要更多的开放空间,这些绿环将于海滨路和自行车 道结合,最终把海岸线区域变成一个绿色循环体系。堆肥一般来讲占居民垃圾的30%,把这些有机废物放置在125英亩的公园用地上,可以减少 垃圾远程运输的费用以及污染。而纽约则得到了更安全和更健康的环境以及额外的营养丰富的堆肥。目前纽约已经在实现路边堆肥计划, 这意味着堆肥将变成一个现实,而长远的未来,绿环实现也是可能的。共创美好纽约!


Locating a network of Green Loops along New York City’s 520 miles of waterfront addresses three important
planning issues. First, it takes advantage of the City’s existing transportation infrastructure. Trucks deliver waste a short distance to a borough composting hub, with barges and rail transporting finished compost product away. Next, having a composting hub in each borough addresses “borough equity” in our waste management. “Borough Equity” ensures that every borough is responsible for processing its own waste instead of sending the entire city’s trash to one or two over-burdened boroughs. Lastly, location. NYC needs more open space, and as part of its Vision 2020: Comprehensive Waterfront Plan, it’s steadily improving public access and developing the waterfront with parks,
esplanades and bike paths. A network of Green Loops links into our developing shoreline.

This proposal will create a network of composting parks processing our organic waste (30% of our residential waste
stream), while adding 125 acres of public park land. This means drastically reduced truck miles to landfills, decreased traffic, noise, and pollution, with the added benefits of safer streets, cleaner air, and fewer greenhouse gas emissions. Plus a new type of public park and a product for market – nutrient rich compost made in NYC.New York City is already piloting a curbside composting program, so composting will soon be a reality. The Green Loop will take this reality many steps into the future for a better NYC for everyone.

项目来源: Present Architecture

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