瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼/Residential building Zug Schleife

瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼 (2)

来自瑞士建筑师Valerio Olgiati的作品,位于瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼。
Valerio Olgiati的作品具有建筑本真之力,这种品质潜伏在作品中特有的瑞士特征之下,隐藏在神秘主义与异域风情的表象之后,能够在时间的流逝与洗刷下越显力量。
(form office Olgiati)Seen from a distance the floor plates projecting from the facade with their elliptical openings look like flying carpets with
ornamental borders. For the residents these elliptical openings generate a sense of distance, since they prevent neighbours from seeing into
each other’s apartments. At the same time the correspondence between each of these round forms and the individual apartments gives
residents a feeling of living alone in a centre. The perception of space changes according to the point of view and the position of the sun.
The apartment floor plans are divided into a living area in the west and a sleeping and working area in the east, with bathrooms and wardrobes
in between. In spatial terms the balconies form an extension of the living room. This impression is further strengthened by the large elliptical
The exposed concrete structure is made of red-brown concrete poured in situ. The outer walls are clad with glass panels in the same colour.
They appear fragile and light and contrast with the solid concrete structure. The use of the same colour for the cladding and the reflections in
the glass blur the clear contours of the heated volume. As a result the elemental appearance of the stone construction is amplified.


瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼 (3) 瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼 (4) 瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼 (5) 瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼 (6) 瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼 (7) 瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼 (9) 瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼 瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼 (8) 瑞士楚格的环道住宅楼 (1)

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