巴黎办公楼改造项目|CLOUD.PARIS|PCA Stream

PCA Stream最近完成了巴黎市中心的一个改造项目,四座历史建筑经过设计后融入至一栋新落成的办公建筑中。PCA对现代建筑构成手法的熟练运用,让本项目在内部衔接,空间品质,历史建筑保护和环保性能四个方面取得了完美的平衡。

PCA Stream has just completed the restructuring and redesign of four historical buildings into one unique office building in the center of Paris. Contemporary forms of change are at the heart of Philippe Chiambaretta’s architectural design process. For this project, the firm sought to strike a difficult-to-achieve balance between internal cohesion, spatial quality, heritage preservation, and environmental performance.

▽ 鸟瞰,Birdview



Rehauling the overall organization and rationalizing the buildings called for a major renovation that simultaneously had to maintain the character of the buildings and preserve the listed components.
The various components of the project were collated under the hashtag #cloud.paris, thus providing clarity and unity, from the organization of the complex as a whole to the interior ambiences, including the architectural expression.

▽ 周边环境,Surroundings


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重塑建筑空间 Clarifying the building complex

为了简化整个建筑群的内部空间,其45%的面积被拆除重建。建筑师调整了建筑的外立面和楼板结构,并设计了一个新的开放式布局的建筑体。建筑上层部分共6200平方米被彻底地改造,而地下部分的改造面积更是达到了11000平方米。经过重新规划并连通起来的内部庭院成为了一个宽敞的内部开放空间。建筑的主入口位于被列为历史遗迹的Rue Ménars酒店处。包括商业中心在内,项目的总面积达到33200平方米,并可容纳2500人同时办公。

In order to streamline and harmonize the whole of the building complex, forty-five percent of the total area was demolished. Facades were realigned, floor framings were reconnected, and a new building outline with an open floor plan was determined. The underground levels were the most affected by these heavy works and 11,000M2 of basement were demolished, compared with 6,200 square meters of the superstructure.
Reframing the courtyards and ensuring their continuity enabled the creation of a vast interior space around which the program is organized. The main entrance is located in the industrial hôtel of Rue Ménars, whose façade is historically listed.
Together with the business center, the program has a combined active surface of 33,200m2 for a capacity of 2,500 people.

▽ 主入口,Main Entrance


统一表达手法 Unity of the Façade and the Building Block

这次的改造是使现代建筑与历史保护遗迹和谐共存的典范。Rue Ménars酒店立面的左右两侧是对称的新建筑立面。在Richelieu大街和Ménars大街的交叉口处,圆角取代了常用的直角,这种流畅的线条处理奠定了建筑和中庭的空间基调。在立面处理上,建筑外墙的窗户为严格统一尺寸的方窗,建筑顶部的三层逐层后退。干净的立面材质让整个街区显得精致而文雅。

This significant restructuration is an example of contemporary architectural style that manages to safeguard listed heritage features within a unified whole.
The façade of the former industrial hôtel Rue Ménars is caught between two evenly white matching façades with symmetrical square window grids. The impressive building with a rounded façade on the intersection between Rue de Richelieu and Rue Ménars has defined the new architectural style that applies to the whole building, up to its courtyard elevations. It retains its lines of strictly identical large square windows and the crowning of the building in successively receding stories. The outer skin is made from a clear material that brings both refinement and presence within the neighborhood.

▽ 外观,Façade


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引入自然光线 Bringing it all to light


Historically, light is modernity, and here it is no exception: light is key to reclaiming interior spaces. The whole building is now basked in natural light that comes not only from its street- side façades but also from its courtyards—both inside and out. The reframing of the courtyards allows for an increased light exposure and comes with storied terraces that crown the building, all of them accessible and landscaped.

▽ 内部庭院,Courtyards



▽ 室内空间,Interior Spaces


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The propagation of light also rests on the uniform white façades with their generous array of windows on the courtyard side. The main courtyard is subdivided in three parts with different thermal characteristics: a covered atrium, an intermediate space, and an outside space.

▽ 封闭的中庭,Covered Atrium

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▽ 半开敞的休息区域,Intermediate Space


▽ 开放的天台,Outside Space


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Ultimately, what appears from within the block is a new building. From this standpoint, the constraints and unexpected twists and turns of this thorough and extensive renovation have all but been forgotten.
The redevelopment is highly visible when facing the main part of the building, at its rounded front at the corner of Rue de Richelieu and Rue de Ménars. There, the historical transformations required of contemporary Paris are revealed in an epiphany.

▽ 一层平面,Ground Floor


▽ 三层平面,Third Floor


▽ 六层平面,sixth Floor


▽ 剖面,Sections




Drawings: PCA Stream
English Text: PCA Stream
Chinese Text: gooood

项目来源: PCA Stream

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